Unouf Logo

1 Introduction

Unouf is a comprehensive fragrance directory app designed to connect fragrance enthusiasts worldwide. Our platform allows users to discover new scents, rate and review fragrances, and vote on fragrance characteristics. Users can search for products and brands, create and manage personal collections, and maintain their profiles. Additionally, Unouf provides a valuable space for brands, allowing them to create accounts to manage their profiles and add new products.

By accessing or using Unouf in any way, whether as a registered user or a visitor, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. These terms govern your access to and use of Unouf and any services, features, content, or applications offered through Unouf (collectively, the "Service"). Please read these terms carefully before using the Service.

2 User Accounts

2.1 Account Creation

To utilise the full features of Unouf, you may need to create an account. During registration, you must provide a valid email address, which must be verified to activate your account. Additionally, you can register using your existing Google or Apple accounts. It is essential to provide accurate and current information during registration and keep it updated.

2.2 Account Responsibilities

Account Security: You are responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of your account credentials. You must immediately notify Unouf of any unauthorised use of your account or any other security breach. Please note that Unouf is not liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to protect your account information.

Account Use: You agree to create and use your account in good faith. You must not impersonate others or provide misleading information. Accessing another user’s account without their explicit permission is strictly prohibited.

Account Conduct: You are accountable for all activities conducted through your account and any content you post or interactions you engage in on Unouf. Unouf reserves the right to monitor and disclose necessary information to comply with legal obligations, ensure the proper functioning of its services, and protect its community of users.

3 User Conduct

3.1 Guidelines for Reviews and Content

Honesty: Reviews should reflect your honest and objective opinions and experiences with the fragrance. The intention should be to inform and help other users, not to harm or unfairly criticise a brand.

Relevance: All reviews and comments should be relevant to the fragrance or product being discussed. Avoid straying into off-topic discussions.

Prohibited Content: Reviews must not contain:

This prohibition also applies to any content or communication within the app.

Language and Tone: Please ensure that your language is respectful and considerate. Avoid using profanities or engaging in any form of harassment.

3.2 Profile and Brand Images

Appropriateness: All profile pictures and images uploaded by brands (including brand images and product images) must adhere to standards of decency. They should not be offensive, sexually explicit, or suggestive.

Rights and Permissions: You must have the right to use and share any images you upload. This includes obtaining the necessary consent if the image consists of identifiable individuals or proprietary content.

Enforcement and Reporting: Unouf reserves the right to remove any content that violates these guidelines and to take appropriate action against any account involved in such violations, which may include suspension or termination of the account. If you encounter any content you believe violates these guidelines, please report it to us using the provided reporting tools in the app.

4 User Generated Content

4.1 Guidelines for User Generated Content

Users must adhere to our User Conduct guidelines when creating and submitting user-generated content on Unouf. These guidelines cover appropriate behaviour, respect for others, and content relevance.

4.2 Ownership and Licensing of User Generated Content

By uploading or submitting any content to Unouf, including images, reviews, and other materials, you grant Unouf a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, distribute, and promote this content in any form.

4.3 Moderation and Enforcement

Unouf employs a moderation system for user-generated content, particularly reviews. Users can report reviews within the app, and our moderation team will review these reports. If a report is valid, the review will be hidden from public view, and appropriate action will be taken.

Users can also directly contact us if they have concerns about specific content or user behaviour.

4.4 Rights to User Generated Content

By using Unouf, users grant the app the right to use and display their user-generated content within the app as intended. This includes displaying reviews and associated data.

Unouf may also use certain user-generated content for promotional purposes within the app or on external platforms.

5 Brand Accounts

5.1 Account Capabilities and Responsibilities

Profile Management: Brands can manage various aspects of their profiles on Unouf. This includes editing the 'About Us' section and updating their X, Snapchat, and Instagram usernames.

Brand Image and Name Changes: Brands can request to edit their brand image or name. Unouf will review these requests before any changes are implemented on the platform.

Product Addition: Brands are permitted to submit requests to add new products. It is essential that brands only add products that they own and that are currently available on the market. Unouf will review all product additions before publication.

Account Security: Brands are responsible for maintaining their account's security, including managing passwords and credentials.

Request Status: Brands can view the status of their submitted requests, such as edits to brand information or product additions, directly within the app.

5.2 Content Guidelines for Brand Accounts

Appropriateness and Relevance: All content posted by brands, whether text or images, must adhere to Unouf's standards of appropriateness, relevance, and decency. Brands are expected to maintain a professional and respectful demeanour at all times.

Compliance and Enforcement: Unouf reserves the right to moderate brand-submitted content and requests to ensure they meet our community standards and guidelines.

Non-compliance may lead to actions such as modification or removal of content and, in severe cases, suspension or termination of the brand account.

6 Termination of Accounts

6.1 Conditions for Termination

Unouf reserves the right to terminate user or brand accounts for the following reasons:

Repeated Violations: Accounts that consistently breach our Terms of Service or User Conduct guidelines are subject to termination.

Severe Offenses: Accounts found disseminating sexually explicit content, engaging in hate speech, or conducting illegal activities will be immediately terminated.

6.2 User and Brand Account Deletion

Users and brands can delete their accounts directly through the app.

Upon account deletion, all personal data linked to the account will be retained for seven days before permanent deletion. However, reviews submitted by users will not be deleted; instead, the user's association with these reviews will be removed.

It is important to note that any brand/product images uploaded through the app may be retained by Unouf as outlined in the Content Ownership section of these Terms.

6.3 Consequences of Account Termination

Termination results in the loss of account access. Unouf is not obligated to provide a copy of any content or data from the terminated account.

Termination does not absolve the user or brand from their responsibilities under these Terms, particularly concerning content ownership and liability. This means the obligations and rights established during the account's active period continue to apply even after the account is terminated.

7 Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability

7.1 Disclaimers

Service Availability: Unouf does not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free access to its service. Occasional downtime for maintenance, updates, or unforeseen issues may occur.

User-Generated Content: Unouf is a platform primarily for user-generated content. We do not endorse, support, or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any content users post. The opinions and reviews expressed are solely those of the users and do not reflect the views of Unouf.

7.2 Limitations of Liability

General Liability: Unouf shall not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from using or inability to use the service. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of profits, data, or other intangible losses, even if Unouf has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Content Liability: Unouf is not liable for any content posted, transmitted, or otherwise made available through the service by users. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in any user-generated content nor for any loss or damage incurred due to the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the service.

Limitation Scope: These disclaimers and limitations of liability apply to the fullest extent permitted by law and shall survive any termination or expiration of these Terms of Service or your use of Unouf.

8 Dispute Resolution

8.1 Governing Law

These Terms of Service shall be governed by and construed by the laws of Saudi Arabia, regardless of your location or country of origin.

8.2 Dispute Resolution Process

For any disputes, claims, or disagreements arising from or related to these Terms of Service, an initial attempt at informal negotiation is encouraged.

If unable to resolve disputes informally, the parties agree to submit to binding arbitration in Saudi Arabia under the region's prevalent arbitration rules. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding.

Should arbitration not be pursued, legal proceedings related to these Terms or Unouf's services shall be conducted exclusively in the courts of Saudi Arabia. By using Unouf, users consent to the jurisdiction of these courts for such matters.

8.3 International Considerations

Unouf is accessible globally. Users accessing the service from outside Saudi Arabia do so on their initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws.

This clause does not deprive overseas users of mandatory consumer protections under local laws.

9 Amendments to Terms

Modification of Terms: Unouf reserves the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms of Service at any time. If a revision is material, we will provide at least 30 days' notice before any new terms take effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion.

Notification of Changes: Changes to these Terms will be communicated through the app, via email, or through other means of public notification. Continued use of the app after any such changes shall constitute your consent.

User's Acceptance: By continuing to access or use our service after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you disagree with the new terms, you are no longer authorised to use the service.

10 Contact Information

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, please get in touch with us:

Your feedback and inquiries are important to us, and we endeavour to respond to all queries promptly and professionally.

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 27th June 2024